Accessing Information

The City has developed guidelines for Information Access and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. These guidelines provide an overview of information access and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and its application to the City of New Westminster’s records. To access the City's FOI guidelines, click here.

Informal Requests
If the information is not available online the next step is to make an informal request to the department that you think might have the information you are looking for.

  • Routinely Available Information Requests
    These requests are for records commonly available to the public through a verbal or written request to the department.  These requests do not require a Freedom of Information request.  Contact the City department to find out if the records you want are routinely or readily available. A fee may be charged for this information, as set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw or other applicable City bylaws or policies. Click here to access the list of routinely available documents.
  • Information Requests
    These requests are for information that requires a review of the records, by a departmental supervisor.  This can also be a request for records that are not readily available, e.g. records stored in semi-active storage.  As with routine information requests applicable fees may be charged.  These requests are responded to within reasonable time frames for the sizes or location of the records requested. 

Formal Requests
These requests are for records that are not routinely available or accessible by submitting an informal request to a department.  If you are told by a department that the information is not accessible a Freedom of Information request (FOI) will need to be submitted.

New Westminster Fire and Rescue Services Information Requests
To request fire incident or investigation reports, motor vehicle accidents incident reports or residential oil tank information please contact New Westminster Fire and Rescue Services directly:




Fire Incident Report or Fire Investigation Report

$200 each

Motor Vehicle Accidents Incident Report

$100 each

Fire and MVA Report photocopies

Cost recovery plus 10% (approx. $0.28/page)

Residential Oil Tank information



New Westminster Fire and Rescue Services
1 East 6th Avenue
New Westminster, BC V3L 4G6

Fax: 604-520-7602
Phone: 604-519-1004