Biographical Information

First elected in 2014, Patrick Johnstone served two terms on New Westminster City Council before being elected as Mayor in 2022. Born and raised in the Kootenays, he has resided in New Westminster with his partner Antigone since 2006.

Patrick is a Professional Geoscientist, having studied Geography and Earth Sciences at SFU, and worked in a variety of geology jobs, primarily in the field of Environmental Geoscience. He served as the President of the Environmental Managers Association of BC and on the board of the Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals Society.

His interest in local government arose from his advocacy on environmental and active transportation issues, his many volunteer connections in New Westminster, and his interest in leading community conversations about urbanism and the opportunities present in an exciting, dense, historic and growing community like New West.

Since first being elected, Patrick has served on the Lower Mainland LGA (First Vice President), the Community Energy Association (Board Chair), the New Westminster Electrical Commission, and a variety of task forces and advisory committees at the City. 

Patrick continues to curl at the Royal City Curling Club and ride bikes with the Fraser River Fuggitivi, when he finds the time.