Some key considerations to have in mind when planning energy and emissions retrofits include:
  • Start with an energy evaluation that looks at the whole building. Working with an energy advisor familiar with historic construction and heritage buildings can help identify the most effective and compatible retrofits. It may be appropriate to consult a heritage professional too. 
  • Understand the building and make the most of any inherently sustainable features such as operable windows for ventilation control, and porches and landscaping that can provide shade in summer.
  • Consider both environmental and heritage impacts, and the lifespan of materials. Use traditional or well-tested materials that are compatible in performance and lifespan with the historic construction. Keep retrofits reversible where possible so as technology changes in future, added elements can be removed and further updates made.
  • Less invasive solutions can make a big difference without altering exterior or interior finishes, such as adding attic and basement insulation, reducing air leakage, and installing low carbon heating and cooling.