Heritage Revitalization Agreements
A Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) outlines the duties and obligations of, and the benefits to both parties of the agreement. In exchange for retention of a heritage building and some restoration work, an HRA allows the City to supersede local zoning regulations and to provide non-financial incentives which would make it viable to conserve the property. Each agreement is written to suit unique properties and situations. Every HRA is different from the next, and does not create precedent. Heritage properties subject to an HRA are also Designated.
HRA Process
Any property that has heritage value is eligible for an HRA. The HRA process is a public process, similar to rezoning, and must ultimately be approved by Council. The applications may take approximately 6 to 18 months. The length of the HRA process will depend on multiple factors, including Council and committee schedules, the complexity of the proposal, public feedback received, and the ability of the applicant to provide responses, materials, and information when required.
There are three stages of an HRA application: staff review and technical analysis, public consultation, and Council consideration. If Council decides to move forward with the HRA process, a Public Hearing will be held before the Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw and Designation Bylaw are adopted.
City Policy for the Use of Heritage Revitalization Agreements
Development Information Sign Requirements
To see whether a property is protected by an HRA or to learn more about past HRA projects, view the Heritage Protection Map. For information on the status of on-going HRA projects, visit the Projects on the Go webpage.