
Vision - To be a caring, responsive department that is easy and friendly to deal with and provides creative, innovative services and programs through a well-maintained network of community facilities, parks and open spaces.

Mission - To create and facilitate parks and recreation opportunities that enhance quality of life in New Westminster.

Goal - To offer programs and services that are truly worthwhile and will make life better for others. Our efforts will make a significant improvement for the community and enable our department and employees to grow and progress.

Operating Philosophy

  • we will be vision driven – creating opportunities in the present to make the New Westminster vision become reality
  • we are committed to sustainability – all decisions and initiatives will be guided by and tested against balanced economic, social/cultural and environmental perspectives
  • we will be innovative and progressive – constantly searching for and adopting better ways of doing business, a leader in the provision of local government services
  • we will be fiscally responsible and accountable, effective stewards and prudent managers of the public assets that have been entrusted to our care
  • we will demonstrate exemplary customer service
  • we will be ethical, trustworthy and fair
  • our decision making processes will be open and transparent
  • we value teamwork – within and across departments
  • we are committed to community development approaches that mobilize resident capabilities and build a sense of ownership
  • we will be an exceptional and trusted partner – collaborating with residents, community organizations, the business community, and related jurisdictions
  • we will be equitable and decisive in our commitment to identifying and acting on community best interests
  • we will support and develop staff capabilities as together we strive for high quality, professional best practices
  • we will be the local government employer of choice – nurturing a high performance work environment that attracts and retains a top team.