Council Reports and Past Event Materials

Take a look through the material to see what has been accomplished to date.

Bold vision Council report

January 22, 2024, Council Report: 22nd Street Station Area Bold Vision: Ideas Gathering

September 11, 2023, Council Report: 22nd St Station Area Visioning Update

June 12, 2023, Council Report: 22nd Street Station Area Bold Vision Relaunch

December 13, 2021, Council Report: 22nd Street Station Area Bold Vision Work Plan

master Plan Process

Following the adoption of the OCP, work began on a Master Plan process. When Council made the City’s climate emergency declaration, they saw that there was an opportunity to add a new climate action perspective to this work. The work to-date on the Master Plan is outlined below.
A land use concept for the 22nd Street Station Area was created during the Official Community Plan (OCP) review, that was adopted in October 2017. The neighbourhood is envisioned as a high density, mixed-use node, with shops and commercial services on Seventh Avenue, east of the station. Higher density residential development would locate near the SkyTrain station, while low rise residential buildings and infill townhouses would “step down” into the surrounding neighbourhood of Connaught Heights.
Click here to view a proposed land use designation map.
This Backgrounder provides an overview of the area and will serve as a resource moving forward with the Bold Vision.
Click here to view the Backgrounder for the 22nd Street SkyTrain Station Area
Detailed Transportation Study
In response to feedback received during the OCP update and development of the city’s Master Transportation Plan (MTP), the Connaught Heights Traffic Calming Plan was created in 2018 for the neighbourhood, where the 22nd Street Station is located. The purpose of the plan is to enhance safety and liveability of the Connaught Heights neighbourhood.
The City also retained a consultant to provide a comprehensive assessment of existing conditions in the 22nd Street Station Area. A Baseline Report Summary was produced which provides an overview of the main issues and opportunities and the information provided in the baseline report will be considered as we work through the Bold Vision process.
Financing Growth Strategy
The City has identified the need to establish priorities for community amenities and infrastructure in and around Connaught Heights, and to determine how growth can be leveraged to help pay for those priorities.
The City will prepare a Financing Growth Strategy that will explore the potential revenue generated from new development, an approach to collecting funds or in-kind contributions, and an assessment of amenity and infrastructure needs.

Background Material from the OCP Review Process

Material from the OCP review process that relates to the 22nd Street SkyTrain Station area is included below. Click here for more detail on the process of creating the OCP and click here to see the all of the consultation material and past Council reports. Click here to view the OCP, adopted in October 2017.

Your Plan for OUR CITY

Open houses held in February 2017 presented the draft Official Community Plan for community review and feedback. 

Our Future City

The purpose of the events held in September and October 2016 was to present the draft vision, goals, policies, and Future Land Use Map. While feedback was received on each of these items the focus was on getting feedback on the draft Land Use Designation Map so that appropriate revisions could be made.

Community Conversation on Housing

Open houses, workshops and online survey were used to gather feedback between November 2015 and February 2016 to gather feedback on what housing fits and where housing goes.

Neighbourhood Visioning Process

The purpose of the Neighbourhood Visioning Process was to explore the questions with the community such as: what do you think your neighbourhood and the city should be like in the future? This was the first step toward creating the Land Use Designation Map.