Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node Master Plan

Developing in the Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node

Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node Master Plan

The Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node (QENN) is defined by Stanley Street to the west, Duncan Street to the north/east, and Ewen Avenue to the south (click here to view a map of the area). A Master Plan was created for the area to guides the development of properties within the node and includes parks, greenways, streetscape plans, and public realm design guidelines.

Click here to view the Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node Master Plan.

Note: At the time Council considered the Master Plan, they amended the required road allowance for Blackley Street from 19 metres (as shown in the Master Plan) to 16.5 metres. The Master Plan will be updated to reflect this change in the future.

Click here to see the revised Blackley Street drawings.

Queensborough Community Plan

The Queensborough Community Plan is the key guiding document for new development in Queensborough. It includes land use designations, development permit guidelines, and numerous policies, which ensure that new development achieves the City’s vision.

The properties within the QENN are designated Residential – Medium Density, Residential – Low Density, and Queensborough Main Street. Any rezoning application for the properties will need to meet the intent of the land use designations in the area.

Click here to view the Land Use Designation map and the designations.

Development Permit Area

The City uses Development Permit Areas, and related guidelines, as a tool to shape the form and character of new development, protect development from hazardous conditions, and encourage best practices for promoting water and energy conservation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The guidelines ensure that all new development helps to implement the land use policies in the Queensborough Community Plan.

The properties in the QENN are included in the following Development Permit Areas:

Any proposed development will require a Development Permit that demonstrates conformance with the relevant guidelines. New development will also have conform with the public realm guidelines included in the Master Plan.

When developing under the existing industrial zoning the following Development Permit Area applies:

Process: Creation of the Master Plan

The Master Plan was a collaborative effort between the City and Platform Properties, who own many of the properties within the QENN. The planning process included consultation with the community, property owners within the plan area, the Queensborough Residents’ Association, the Advisory Planning Commission (APC), and the New Westminster Design Panel (NWDP). At the end of the master planning process, the land use designations in the Queensborough Community Plan were amended from Queensborough Comprehensive Development to a combination of Residential – Medium Density, Residential – Low Density, and Queensborough Main Street to reflect the Master Plan. 

Background Material 

May 9, 2016 - Report to Council -Conclusion of Master Planning Process and OCP Amendment and Zoning Amendment Bylaws for Consideration of First and Second Readings

May 9, 2016 - Report to Council - Proposed Widening of Blackley Street

March 15, 2016 - Report to APC - Consideration of Proposed Rezoning and Official Community Plan Amendment

September 29, 2015 - Open House #3: Platform Properties' Boards and City's Boards

September 15, 2015 - Report to APC - Update on the Master Plan Process and Rezoning Application

August 31, 2015 - Report to Council -Consultation Requirements and Proposed Rezoning

July 28, 2015 - Report to NWDP - Review of Design Guidelines

June 25, 2015 - Open House #2: Platform Properties' Boards and the City's Boards

June 22, 2015 - Report to Council - Update on the Master Plan Process

March 23, 2015 - Report to Council - Commercial Node Design

September 9, 2014 - Open House #2 (City Boards)

September 8, 2014 - Report to Council - Update on the Progress to Date

August 26, 2014 - Report to NWDP

August 19, 2014 - Report to APC

July 24, 2014 - Open House #1: City's PresentationPlatform Properties' PresentationCity's Boards, and Platform Properties' Boards

June 16, 2014 Report to Council - Summary of the Master Plan Process


If you have any questions about the Study Area, please contact Climate Action, Planning and Development by email at  or by phone at 604-527-4532.