The Downtown is a unique neighbourhood within the City. It functions as the economic, cultural, historic and residential hub of New Westminster. Downtown’s central location within the region and its broad range of transportation choices provide unique challenges and opportunities for how people move within and through the community.
Project Update
The Downtown Transportation Plan program launched in the later half of 2017, and has followed a three-phase engagement process. On June 22, staff presented the Downtown Transportation Plan: Key Directions and Implementation Plan to Council providing an update on the program including key directions of the complete Plan.
The complete Downtown Transportation Plan was presented to Council on Monday, August 31, 2020 for consideration and endorsement.
Downtown Transportation Plan (PDF, 12mb)
View the Council Report (Item 25, pg. 616)
Council Meeting Video (Item 25)
The Downtown Transportation Plan builds upon established policies and is organized into sections which provide direction on the Pedestrian, Bicycle, Transit, and Road Networks. Each section identifies:
- Opportunities and challenges for each transportation network
- Key directions and considerations
- Immediate, near-, medium- and longer-term projects and measures
Implementation of the Plan will occur over time through existing city programs. A number of key projects and initiatives are identified for implementation in:
- Immediate (within a few months)
- Near term (within 6 to 12 months)
- Medium term (within the current 5 year financial plan)
- Longer term (5 to 10 years)
- Much longer term (through development and/or significant partnerships).
There will be ongoing opportunities for people living and working in the community to be involved when implementing many of the projects identified in the Plan. Further consultation and engagement will be required as projects are being designed, prior to construction.
Downtown Transportation Plan Email List
Please sign up for the Downtown Transportation Plan email list to receive updates on the project and how to get involved in upcoming consultation through implementation of the Plan. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE!
The City embarked on the Downtown Transportation Plan to address safety, livability and connectivity in the community. The strategic plan, including a design for the future Agnes Street Greenway, updated Bicycle Network for the Downtown, and key directions for all transportation networks within the neighbourhood.
Transportation Plan Area
Public Engagement Process
Three phases of engagement were planned to connect with the community to help shape how people move around the neighbourhood. The work kicked off in November 2017 and ran into mid-2020.
The first public workshop was held on November 28, 2017 to gather insights on walking, cycling, transit and vehicle travel in and through the Downtown neighbourhood. Over 60 people participated during the session.
The second public workshop was held on June 19, 2018 which identified recommended networks for all modes of travel, potential measures to address key issues, and design ideas for the future Agnes Greenway. Over 70 people attended the session and provided feedback and comments back to staff.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic response, Phase 3 engagement public event (scheduled for the Spring) was put on hold. Based on initial response to the emerging directions by the Downtown Transportation Plan Working Group and key stakeholders, staff made the decision to move forward with the remaining steps of the planning process. The Key Directions and Implementation Plan presentation and information report is being presented to Council in June. After a final round of review and input from key stakeholder groups, the complete Downtown Transportation Plan was be submitted and endorsed by Council in August 2020.
Events and Materials
Workshop #1 Materials (November 2017)
Workshop #1 Summary Report (November 2017)
Workshop #2 Material (June 2018)
Workshop #2 Summary Report (June 2018)
Key Directions Council Report (June 22, 2020)
Key Directions Presentation (PDF) (June 22, 2020)
View the June 22 Council Agenda
View Presentation Video (item #8, 45 min) (June 22, 2020)
Questions regarding the Downtown Transportation Plan can be sent to the project team at