Uptown Streetscape Vision
A streetscape is all of the visual elements of a street, including the road, adjoining buildings, sidewalks, street furniture, trees, and open spaces, that combine to form the street’s character.

What’s happening?

With recent and planned growth in the Uptown area, the City is developing a ‘Great Street Vision’ to inform future redevelopment and future City capital project works along Sixth Street and Sixth Avenue.

The purpose of the Uptown Streetscape Vision is to deliver a bold and creative, yet affordable and attainable streetscape for Sixth Street, Sixth Avenue and Belmont Street within the Uptown Neighbourhood. The project focus areas (context map - solid red lines) include:

  • Sixth Street between Fifth Avenue and Eighth Avenue
  • Belmont Street
  • Sixth Avenue between Fifth Street and Eighth Street

What is the goal of this process?

The Vision:

  • Builds on previous studies and sets forth a vision for the Uptown Streetscape
  • Provides design concept and guidelines to inform detailed design and implementation of the redevelopment of Sixth Avenue and Sixth Street as 'Great Streets'


February/March 2020 City staff and Sustainable Transportation Advisory Committee of Council input on Principles and Objectives
June 2020

Stakeholder consultation on Vision and high-level design concept

July 2020 Council update regarding Vision and high-level design concept. 
July - November 2020 Refinement of the Uptown Streetscape Vision
 November 2020 Council consideration of final report on recommended streetscape vision

Reference Documents

Stage 1 Uptown Streetscape Vision: Big Ideas and Streetscape Typologies (June 2020)

Stage 1 Uptown Streetscape Vision: Key Stakeholder Engagement Summary Report (June 2020)

Stage 1 Big Ideas and Public Realm Elements - Report to Council, July 13 2020 (Item 29)

Stage 2 Final Uptown Streetscape Vision - Report to Council, November 30, 2020 (Item 24)

Stage 2 Final Uptown Streetscape Vision Report (Nov 2020) (PDF, 10.3 MB)


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