Agnes Greenway - Phase 1

Construction Update

Work is taking place on Agnes Street between Hastings Street and Seventh Street. Minor construction will also take place on Cunningham Street and Dickenson Street between Fourth Street and Merivale Street to install speed humps.

Construction is taking place Monday to Friday between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm, and if required, on Saturdays between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm.

Construction Impacts

Temporary road closures are taking place on sections of Agnes St in the project area, and single lane alternating traffic during construction may be required. Construction activities are concentrated between Fourth St and Seventh St currently, with staging along Blackwood Street. Detours are expected via Royal Ave and/or Carnarvon St. The contractor will work with residents to commercial and residential properties will be maintained.

Update: Jack Cewe Construction Ltd (JCCL) has completed all paving, concrete, line marking and landscaping work for the Agnes Greenway Project. Although the project is substantially complete, JCCL will be on site periodically in the next two months to correct any site deficiencies found during the engineer’s post construction site inspection.  Notification letters will be delivered to street residents and JCCL will work with residents to minimize disruptions to residents and driveway access.   Please continue to follow parking signs and directions from traffic control personnel.

We thank you for your patience during this necessary work. We will endeavor to minimize disruptions; however, given the nature of the work, some disruption is inevitable. Parking concerns are being monitored closely and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Traffic detours will be in place to allow safe movement of vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and transit and to ensure the safety of construction crews. Please continue to follow parking signs and directions from traffic control personnel. Work is weather dependent and subject to change.

Project Details

Phase one construction will include:

  • Construction of a two-way protected lane for people cycling and rolling
  • Improvements and upgrades to the existing sidewalk
  • Installation of new landscaping, trees, a rain garden and a stormwater tree trench feature
  • Intersection improvements
  • A raised crosswalk along across Agnes Street connecting to Blackwood Street
  • Traffic calming elements along the corridor
  • Addition of a dog parklet
  • Addition of amenities including a water fountain, bike racks, and benches


The City of New Westminster is creating a new 1.0 kilometre greenway along Agnes Street to support walking, wheeling, and cycling. The greenway will include a two-way protected bicycle lane for people cycling, improved spaces for people walking and sitting, and new landscaping, trees, and street furniture like benches.

This project is part of the City of New Westminster’s commitment to sustainable transportation and climate emergency response. First envisioned 10 years ago in the Downtown Community Plan, the greenway has been prioritized in Council’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan and the Downtown Transportation Plan, adopted by Council in August 2020. Through the upcoming Pattullo Bridge replacement, the Agnes Greenway will connect directly to the Victoria Hill neighbourhood, the Central Valley Greenway, and to Surrey via the new bridge.

The project includes two phases:

  • Phase 1 runs along Agnes Street from Dufferin Street to Seventh Street. Phase 1 launched with an interim design (pilot project) in December 2020 using temporary materials. The intention was to give area residents and visitors a chance to experience the walking, cycling, and rolling pathway and provide valuable feedback to help shape the permanent design.
  • Phase 2 will connect to New Westminster SkyTrain Station and the Riverfront Esplanade.

Final Design

Based on public and stakeholder feedback, and technical analysis, the final detailed design is now complete, which will include a two-way protected lane for people cycling and rolling, improved spaces for people walking and sitting, and new landscaping, trees, and street furniture like benches.

The permanent greenway constructed this year will be similar in size and configuration to the existing temporary greenway. There will be no changes to traffic flow  from the current configuration on Agnes Street.

Based on the preferences and priorities we heard from the public, there will be some changes to the final design features, including:

  • Blackwood Street will be closed off at Agnes Street, reflecting the option preferred by engagement participants. This will provide additional space for public amenities, including seating, a water fountain, and a dog parklet.
  • Additional safety features, including:
    • A raised crosswalk has been added across Agnes Street, connecting to Blackwood Street, reflecting suggestions from the participants for improved crosswalks
    • The flexible delineator posts used in the temporary greenway will be replaced with permanent medians, responding to a desire for permanent protection
  • Seating, bike racks and other furnishings.
  • Based on a desire for “more greenery” the final design includes a rain garden at the north curb extension opposite Blackwood Street, and a stormwater tree trench feature between Fourth and Sixth Streets that will reduce impacts on our sewer network.

Click here to view a visual summary of the detailed design. 

Click here to view the Round 1 Engagement Summary Report

Click here to view the Round 2 Engagement Summary Report

Project Contact

For more information, please contact Peter Tsoutsouras at 604-636-4340 or email

Questions about the Agnes Greenway construction can be sent to the project team at


This project received generous funding from TransLink and the Province of BC’s Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, through a B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant.