December 2023 update
Pavement markings have been freshened up and new delineators installed. The curb ramp installation and some additional signage will be completed as other work is conducted in the area.
June 2023 update
Construction is now substantially complete and the new bike facilities are officially open! There are still remedial works to be implemented this summer, related to pavement markings and minor improvements such as new delineators and a new curb ramp.
November 2022 update
Construction is still underway and the new bike facilities are not officially open. The remaining work, some of which is weather-dependent, includes the installation of some signage, pavement marking, and delineators, as well as the southbound bus stop at Eighth Avenue and new advanced left turn signals at the Sixth Street and Eighth Avenue intersection.
August 2022 update
Construction of the New Westminster Secondary School (NWSS) Cycling Connector will begin the week of August 22, 2022, and is expected to be completed by October 2022.
Work will take place on Sixth Street between the 800 block (just north of Eighth Avenue) and Seventh Avenue.
Construction will take place Monday to Friday between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm and, if required, on Saturdays between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm.
Construction Impacts
Temporary road closures are not currently anticipated in the project area. All access to commercial and residential properties will be maintained.
We thank you for your patience during this necessary work. We will endeavor to minimize disruptions; however, given the nature of the work, some disruption is inevitable to allow safe movement of vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and transit and to ensure the safety of construction crews.
Please continue to follow parking signs and directions from traffic control personnel. Work is weather dependent and subject to change.
Project Details
Construction will include:
- Construction of one-way protected lanes for people cycling and rolling
- Installation of new landscaping and amenities such as bike racks
- Intersection improvements
- A new crosswalk across Sixth Street at Hamilton Street
The City of New Westminster is implementing the New Westminster Secondary School (NWSS) Cycling Connector project as part of the Uptown Active Transportation Improvements. This includes two exciting projects (along with the Rotary Crosstown Greenway Upgrades planned for 2023) that together will reimagine some of our streets to enable people of all ages and abilities to move comfortably and safely on foot, bicycle, and other non-motorized wheels in Uptown.
This project will link the Rotary Crosstown Greenway on Seventh Avenue to the east entrance of the new high school on Sixth Street, enabling students, staff and visitors to conveniently and safely cycle, wheel or walk to the school precinct from the east and south.
Both projects take direction from the vision set in the City of New Westminster's Council-approved Uptown Streetscape Vision, to create "a vibrant commercial district with a distinct identity, accessible and sustainable transportation, and inviting and engaging public spaces that are welcoming to all people."
These projects align with the City's Master Transportation Plan goals and 7 Bold Steps for Climate Action - specifically, Car-light Community and Quality People-Centred Public Realm.
Another key goal of this project is to provide a new connection to the NWSS area that is safer and more comfortable for people of all ages and abilities, improves the cycling and walking experiences, as well as improves accessibility.
Additional goals include enhancing the public realm and tree canopy, seeking opportunities for green infrastructure, and reducing the impacts of motor vehicles and through traffic in this neighbourhood, while limiting the impacts to people who rely on on-street parking.
Click here to view a visual summary of the detailed design.
Click here to view the Round 1 Engagement Summary Report
Click here to view the Round 2 Engagement Summary Report
For more information, please contact Peter Tsoutsouras at 604-636-4340 or email
Questions about the NWSS Precinct Cycling Connector construction can be sent to the project team at