What’s Happening?
Project Background
The 68 Sixth Street temporary dog OLA replaces the Downtown Dog OLA (located at 824 Agnes Street). The existing dog OLA will close permanently at the end of September and will be transformed into a new commemorative community park that will be constructed as part of an adjacent high-rise development at 810 Agnes Street.
Learn more about the 810 Agnes Street development.
What will happen after September 2024, when the temporary dog OLA closes at 68 Sixth Street?
Parks planning staff are actively exploring options for a permanent off-leash space(s) in the Downtown neighbourhood. This may include opportunities on vacant or underutilized lands, as well as the potential for a shared use area or enclosed dog OLA as part of the discussion with the community to develop a Master Plan for Albert Crescent Park towards the end of this year.
If you require additional information about this project, please contact Parks Planner, Darren Miller .