Service Agreement & Funding Information

When does the current ferry operator’s contract expire? Will service continue through to the end of the expiry date?

The contract with BLaST, the current ferry operator, was originally scheduled to expire at the end of 2024. The contract was extended to August 25, 2025, due to a pause in service as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Service is anticipated to continue through to the end of the contract pending 2025 budget approval.

When will the new service contract go out for tender? What is the term for the new contract?

Staff are currently planning to proceed with a more rigorous procurement process to select a preferred vendor from the qualified vendors identified as part of the request for expression of interest posted in the summer of 2024. This process is expected to commence in the fall/winter of 2024, and should be completed in the spring of 2025. The term for the new contract will likely be five years.

When the new contract is confirmed, will the City notify the public?

Yes, the City will inform the community once a decision has been made using various communication channels such as a media release, social media posts, website updates, Citypage notices, and emails with key interest groups.

Where can residents find more information on the costs associated with the Q to Q ferry service?

Funding for the Q to Q is dependent on the annual budget approval process. Costs associated with providing service includes, but is not limited to, fuel costs, dredging work, dock maintenance, and staffing costs. 2024 operating costs are projected to be approximately $825,000 with projected revenue from tickets sales expected to be $125,000, resulting in $700,000 to be covered from general revenue. Ongoing maintenance work needed to support the service is budgeted at approximately $250,000 per year and is covered from the City’s capital budget. Ferry service costs are summarized in the Queensborough Transportation Plan starting on page 49.

What portion of Provincial gambling revenue is allocated to the operation of the Q to Q ferry?

A one-time allotment of $2.725M was allocated to the Q to Q Ferry program. This funding expired at the end of 2023. Funds were originally designated for a Queensborough waterfront pedestrian bridge; however, this was amended once the feasibility of the bridge was deemed a long-term exploration.

Does the City collect metrics or data on Q to Q usage rates and impacts on surrounding neighbourhoods? How can this information be accessed?

As part of the service agreement, the operator is required to record and report ridership data. This is recorded per boat trip, and aggregated ridership data (e.g., daily, monthly, yearly) is generated by direction. Ridership is also broken down by fare type (e.g., free, single-ride ticket, or monthly pass, etc.) as well as mobility device (e.g., bike, wheelchair, etc.). Impacts on surrounding neighbourhoods are not currently measured and evaluated. Ridership information is not currently presented to the public directly, but a strategy to disseminate that data, along with operating costs, is being developed.

Has the City considered business sponsorship to help offset operating costs?

The City has looked for sponsorship opportunities since the beginning of the service, and while some have materialized, the total value has been significantly lower than anticipated in the original budget. Additionally, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are less interested in committing to a sponsorship. 

The City previously indicated fares would not increase for 2025; however, some members from the community have expressed they could tolerate a slight fare increase to support the ferry service. Would the City consider increasing fares to help offset costs?

Yes, the City would consider increasing fares; however, ridership data indicates the majority of passengers are not regular users of the ferry service and a price increase would likely result in a decrease in ridership, with no overall increase in total revenue

How does the Q to Q fit into the overall Queensborough Transportation Plan (QTP)?

The service provides a reliable connection between Queensborough and the mainland.  Engagement completed as part of the development of QTP indicated the ferry is a well-liked service and that residents want it to continue while feasibility of a fixed bridge is further explored. There are a number of opportunities (e.g. direct route, low capital costs) and challenges (e.g. higher overall costs in the long-run, vulnerability to external contractor pricing, dredging, etc.) with operating the service, compared to an alternative like a fixed bridge, all detailed in the QTP.

How does the City develop and approve the annual Q to Q ferry budget?

In order to maintain affordable rider rates for the Q to Q Ferry, the City subsidizes the ferry service with a fixed amount of funding that is approved by Council every year. The fixed amount serves as the “ceiling”, and along with the ferry operator’s hourly rate, determines the total service hours that can be provided for the year. The total service hours is then used to develop the schedule, which aims to ensure reliable service covering the typical daily peak travel hours.