660 Quayside Drive & Westminster Pier Park Expansion
The development at 660 Quayside Drive will include two residential towers, a three-storey commercial building with child care and retail, and approximately two acres of park. The park will include an extension to Westminster Pier Park, a public plaza, and esplanade space. The development will also include a pedestrian and cyclist overpass at Sixth Street and improved pedestrian and cyclist access to the waterfront.

Thank you for your feedback regarding the plans for a new riverfront park located at 660 Quayside Drive. As a next step, staff will summarize the feedback received at the open houses and through the online survey.  This summary will be used to inform a recommendation to Council in spring/summer 2019 regarding the final design for the park.

Public Open House #3 Boards

Public Open House #2 Boards

Public Open House #1 Boards


Park Master Plan

The City of New Westminster is creating two new park sites totaling approximately 2.0 acres in size as an extension to Westminster Pier Park, an important piece to connecting the entire Riverfront, east to west, for pedestrians and cyclists, as per the Riverfront Vision endorsed by Council  “to seamlessly connect our riverfront - while respecting existing industry - through a continuous system of greenways and parks that run the length of the city and provide improved connections from our neighbourhoods to the river for residents, businesses and visitors alike”.

Click here to read the park master plan. 

Site History

1996 & 2005 Plans

The original development at 660 Quayside was approved in 1996. In 2004, the owner, Larco Investments Ltd., approached the City wanting to build the development. The City requested they comply with new City policy which had been developed in the intervening years.  The owner submitted a second application which was approved in 2005. Both the 1996 and 2005 development plans permitted five residential towers built over an above-grade parking podium.

Site Statistics (2005)

  • Five towers (25 to 30 storeys) on top of a three storey, above grade parking podium
  • 911 residential units
  • No retail or commercial uses proposed
  • 1,242 parking stalls above grade, including 148 public parking stalls
  • 15-metre riverfront esplanade
  • Plaza space at the foot of Begbie Street
  • Two pedestrian overpasses through the Front Street Parkade, at Begbie and MacKenzie Street
  • Project to be compatible with the encapsulation of Front St. by raising Quayside Dr. from Sixth to Eighth Streets
  • Closing Begbie Street and opening Eighth Street and Sixth Street vehicular crossings

2014 Master Plan

In 2014, a Master Plan for 660 Quayside Drive was established in response to changing community values and to help implement the City’s Riverfront Vision.  The Master Plan was a collaborative effort between the City and the owner. The Master Plan provided more open space and views of the Fraser River, the provision of approximately two acres of land for an extension of the Westminster Pier Park, an extended waterfront esplanade, three rather than five residential towers, and a mix of land uses including residential, commercial, child care, and the provision for a 150 room hotel.

Site Statistics

  • Three towers of 29, 38 and 47 storeys
  • No parking podium
  • 820 residential units
  • Townhouses at the base of the eastern tower;
  • 40 space child care facility, retail and restaurant spaces, and possible 150 room hotel
  • 900 below grade parking stalls, including 80 public stalls
  • 1.95 acres (0.79 hectares) of publicly owned parks and open space
  • 9-metre wide riverfront esplanade
  • At-grade access for all transportation modes at Begbie Street, a pedestrian overpass at 6th Street, and pedestrian, cyclist and emergency vehicle access at grade at 6th Street

Council Reports

  1. December 2, 2013: Council Report
  2. December 11, 2013: Public Open House
  3. January 13, 2014: Council Report
  4. March 18, 2014: Public Open House
  5. September 8, 2014: Council Report
  6. Council Presentation


2017 Master Plan Revision (CURRENT development)

The land at 660 Quayside (also known as the Larco site) was sold and in 2016, Bosa Development applied to revise the Master Plan to allow two high rises and one three-storey commercial building. This new proposal was approved by Council in 2017.  A three storey commercial building will accommodate childcare and retail. The two high rises will forty-three and fifty-four storeys.  Features of the new plans include approximately two acres of additional park and public open space, including an extension to Westminster Pier Park, a public plaza and esplanade space; the missing riverfront link between the Fraser River Discovery Centre and Westminster Pier Park; a fully accessible pedestrian and cyclist overpass at 6th Street; and, improved pedestrian and cyclist access to the waterfront via Begbie and Sixth Streets.


Site Statistics

  • Two towers of 53 and 43 storeys, and a three storey commercial building
  • 665 residential units
  • 40 space childcare facility, and commercial retail and restaurant space
  • 929 below-grade parking stalls, including 80 public stalls
  • 1.95 acres (0.79 hectares) public park and open space, which includes riverfront space between the towers
  • 9-metre wide riverfront esplanade
  • At-grade access for all transportation modes at Begbie Street and a fully accessible pedestrian and cyclist overpass at 6th Street.

Development Process

  1. October 3, 2016: LUPC Report
  2. October 17, 2016: Council Report
  3. Public Consultation:
    1. November 2016 to March 2017: Local Businesses and Business Associations
    2. March 1, 2017: Downtown Residents’ Association
    3. March 29, 2017: Quayside Community Board
    4. March 30, 2017: Public Open House
  4. March 28, 2017: Presentation to New Westminster Design Panel
  5. May 15, 2017: LUPC Report
  6. May 29, 2017: Council Report
  7. June 2017: Revised Development Agreement finalized
  8. June 26, 2017: Opportunity to be Heard and Council Consideration of Issuance of DVP
  9. December 15, 2017: Issuance of SDP by Director of Development Services
  10. Public Consultation
  11. Council Report February 25, 2019 - Exemption for 660 Quayside from Construction Noise Bylaw No. 6063, 1992. 

Project Evolution

For a snapshot of how the project has changed in the past 20 years, please see the table and graphic below. 

  2005 Plan 2014 Plan 2017 Plan
Number of Towers 5 and above grade parking podium 3 and no above grade podium 2 and no above grade podium
Building Heights 25 to 30 storeys 29, 38, and 47 storeys 43 and 53 storeys
Residential Units 911 820 665
Parking 1,242 spaces above grade 900 spaces below grade 929 spaces below grade
Additional Uses None Childcare, retail, hotel, restaurant Childcare, retail, restaurant
Parks and Open Spaces Plaza area at foot of Begbie Street 1.95 acres 1.95 acres