Safety Tips for Pedestrians and Drivers


  • Enhance your visibility, especially after dark. Wear light-coloured or fluorescent clothing, or attach a light or a reflective strip to your clothing.
  • Stay alert. Watch out for drivers turning into an intersection from left and right. Try to make eye contact with all nearby drivers before stepping out onto the street.
  • Don't assume a crosswalk or a green light at an intersection makes you safe. Ensure drivers see you before you step out from the curb.
  • Especially if you know you may be slower in crossing a road, give yourself the most time to cross by waiting for a newly turned green or walk signal.
  • Look left, right and left again before crossing the street, and be on the lookout for turning or backing vehicles.
  • Keep scanning for vehicles as you cross.
  • Hold your hand up or do whatever it takes to make yourself more visible to drivers.


  • Stay alert. Don't be distracted by activities that take your mind off driving or your eyes off the road. Watch carefully for pedestrians when approaching any crosswalk or intersection.
  • Ensure all pedestrians have cleared the road before proceeding.
  • Take special care to watch for pedestrians or other vulnerable road users when making a left-hand turn.
  • Watch especially carefully for the elderly or mobility-challenged. Recognize it may take them longer than average to complete a safe crossing.

source: BC Coroners' Office