2011 Environmental Poster Contest winners announced
New Westminster, BC – New Westminster Mayor and Council were on hand on Monday night as three local students were awarded prizes for their submissions to the 2011 Environmental Poster Contest. The City, in collaboration with School District #40 Student Services Department, supported the contest which allowed grades 5 and 6 students to express their environment-related learning experiences. In total, 151 entries were received from five schools in the district.
The theme of this year’s poster contest was Threats to the Fraser River Sturgeon. Students were invited to create a poster that illustrated the environmental threats to this prehistoric giant of the Fraser River. Lesson plans and copies of the award-winning book, Tale of the Great White Fish, were kindly donated by the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society to the schools to support the contest.
Sharlyn Cordova of Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School won first place and received a donated certificate for her family to attend a Discover the Fraser tour from Paddle Riverboat Tours. The teachers of Sharlyn’s class also each received a tour certificate to acknowledge their efforts. Madison Stocker of Richard McBride Elementary School won second prize and received a sponsored gift certificate for a class workshop from the Fraser River Discovery Centre. Third place went to Camille Santos Manacsa of Queensborough Middle School. Camille received a certificate from Fin Donnelly’s office, which entitles her class to a special visit from Fin, during which he will share his experiences of the Fraser River. All winning artwork will be displayed at this year’s Artists on the River – Rivers Day celebration event on September 23/24, 2011.
“Our students have done an outstanding job on their posters this year,” said Mayor Wayne Wright. “As usual, it was very difficult to pick winners because there were so many wonderful and creative posters. It was clear how much effort went into each one and all students should be commended for their work.”
All poster contest submissions will be displayed in the main foyer of City Hall until next week.
Contact: Jennifer Lukianchuk, Environmental Coordinator
City of New Westminster