Press Releases
September 6, 2011
Posted On:
September 6, 2011

Youth Centre celebrates its first birthday.

New Westminster, BC – On Thursday, September 15th, the New Westminster Youth Centre will celebrate its first birthday! Residents are invited to drop by anytime between 3:15pm and 9pm to participate in party games, have a piece of birthday cake and enjoy the Youth Centre’s birthday presents. The party will be a great way to celebrate the space and its positive impact on the community and youth.

“With over 700 members, the Youth Centre has impacted so many youth in New Westminster already and will continue to do so,” said Sandon Fraser, the City’s Youth Services Coordinator. “The Youth Centre and staff have helped youth get back into school; get jobs; gain life skills; and get the emotional, physical, social and health support they need.”

The Youth Centre opens Monday to Thursday from 3:15pm to 9pm and Fridays and Saturdays from 3:15pm to 11pm. All youth aged 13 to 18 are welcome.


Contact: Sandon Fraser, Youth Services Coordinator
604-515-3775 or