Press Releases
May 8, 2012
Posted On:
May 8, 2012

Update on Fraser River water levels and spring freshet

New Westminster, BC – The City of New Westminster would like to provide the following update to residents regarding the potential for high water levels on the Fraser River, received from the BC River Forecast Centre as of May 8, 2012.

With above normal snow packs throughout most of the province, above normal spring runoff volume is expected in most basins. As of May 1, 2012, the snow pack in the Lower Fraser Basin was 126% of normal levels. Given this, there is an elevated risk of high water levels that is dependent on weather, in particular, a long stretch of warm weather that would increase the snow melt.

In the coming weeks, the City of New Westminster Engineering Operations department will be in the Braid Street Industrial Area and Quayside neighbourhood, making preparations in the event that Fraser River flooding occurs. Work will include staging of equipment and temporary dyke material. In Queensborough, regular dyke patrols will continue.

The City of New Westminster Emergency Management Office will continue to monitor the situation through regular liaison with the experts at the federal and provincial government levels and will continue to provide updates to the community as necessary. In the meantime, interested members of the public may wish to visit the city website at for further information on the 2012 Fraser River Freshet including links to provincial bodies responsible for public safety.



Dave J. Jones, Manager, Emergency Management
604-527-4529 or