Press Releases
July 12, 2013
Posted On:
July 12, 2013

City of New Westminster launches innovative energy efficiency retrofit program for homes

New Westminster homeowner Nicole Prior and her son Max are one of the first families to participate in Energy Save New West.


New Westminster, BC – Are you looking for ways to reduce your energy bills and increase the comfort of your home?

The City of New Westminster, in partnership with BC Hydro and FortisBC, is launching the Energy Save New West program this month. The program is designed to improve the energy efficiency of low-rise residential homes in New Westminster and make it easier for homeowners to access incentives available through LiveSmart BC, as well as specific heating, lighting and appliance rebates provided by FortisBC and BC Hydro. 

“Energy Save New West is a key step in achieving the energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction goals in the City’s Community Energy & Emissions Plan,” said Mayor Wright. “Our goal is to have 200 homeowners registered in the program at the end of 12 months, with 100 homes having completed the initial energy assessment and proceeding with energy upgrades and improvements to their homes.”

It all begins with an initial energy assessment of your home.   Energy Save has simplified the process to complete the energy audit by providing a Certified Energy Advisor (City Green Solutions) to all registered homeowners.  The Energy Advisor will schedule a convenient time to conduct the assessment according to provincial and federal (ecoENERGY) guidelines.

“Energy Save New West covers the cost of a detailed energy assessment conducted by a Certified Energy Advisor, which would normally be paid for by the homeowner,” said Norm Connolly, the City’s Community Energy Manager. “The program is designed to make it easy for homeowners to get a comprehensive energy picture of their home, as well as cost-effective strategies to improve energy efficiency.”

Local homeowner Nicole Prior is happy to see this initiative underway in New Westminster.  When she purchased her 1930 Craftsman-style bungalow in 2011, the previous owner had already made some energy improvements like a hot water on-demand system, external heat pump, and energy efficient windows. 

“I would like to know more about my home from an energy perspective, and I like the idea of having an energy assessment done so that I have a complete plan for my home, and can see what improvements could be made and what the cost savings would be over time,” said Nicole.  “It’s the right thing to do from an environmental perspective, and I would like to teach my son these things as we improve our home.”

One hundred free home energy assessments are available to local residents on a first-come, first-served basis.  These discounts (valued at $300 per home) are being provided by the City of New Westminster, program sponsors and City Green Solutions for a limited period of time.

To sign up for the program and take advantage of the free energy assessment offer, you can register online at: or call 604-527-4572.


Contacts:         Norm Connolly, Community Energy Manager
