Press Releases
The City of New Westminster wins Biggest Leap Award at 8th Annual HUB Bike Awards in recognition of Streets for People initiative
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February 8, 2021

New Westminster – The City of New Westminster is pleased to announce that it has been selected to receive the Biggest Leap Award at the 8th Annual HUB Bike Awards later this month in recognition of its Streets for People transportation initiative. Streets for People was adopted by New Westminster City Council in May 2020 as a way to address the shifts in use of public space and physical distancing directives brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to accelerate the City’s commitment to sustainable transportation and road space reallocation. The initiative is aimed at reallocating street space to support more walking, wheeling, and biking on city streets while ensuring proper physical distancing and providing space for people to stay active outdoors.

Streets for People addresses two of the City’s seven climate action Bold Steps: Car Light Community, with the goal of 60% of all trips within the City made by sustainable modes of transportation (walk, transit, bike, multi-occupant shared) by 2030; and Quality People-Centred Public Realm, with the goal of 10% of today’s street space reallocated for sustainable transportation or public gathering by 2030.

“We’re committed to increasing the use of sustainable modes of transportation in New Westminster by making our streets safe and accessible for all road users,” said Mayor Jonathan X. Cote. “We’re honoured to be recognized for HUB’s Biggest Leap award because it shows we’re moving in the right direction towards our climate goals.”

Some of the activations that took place under the Streets for People initiative include:

  • Opening the northbound motor vehicle lane on the McInnis overpass for walking and cycling
  • Opening Front Street to walking and cycling every weekend throughout the summer
  • Installation of parklets in Uptown, Downtown and on Twelfth Street
  • Shared lane markings, or “sharrows” on several streets throughout the city that help alert drivers to cyclists on shared roads while guiding people as they ride along bike routes
  • Interim greenway treatment as part of the Agnes Greenway project, which will include a two-way protected bicycle lane for people cycling, improved sidewalks for people walking, and new landscaping, trees, and street furniture like benches

The 2021 HUB Cycling Bike Awards is a celebration of organizations and individuals that are making biking better across Metro Vancouver. The award will be presented at the 8th Annual (Virtual) HUB Bike Awards on Monday, February 22nd from 5:00 – 6:30 pm. 



Lisa Leblanc
Manager, Transportation
City of New Westminster
604-527-4564 or