New Westminster, B.C. – As part of A Year of Truth, the City of New Westminster has published a journal detailing the City’s historical, completed, and ongoing reconciliation efforts. Truth Before Reconciliation: Our Journey was prepared by the City’s Indigenous Relations Department in collaboration with Museum and Archives staff, and aims to provide a clear understanding of where New Westminster stands in its reconciliation journey in order to better plan the path forward towards true and effective reconciliation.
“Until very recently, much of the City of New Westminster’s preliminary reconciliation activity occurred without clarity for much of the community,” said Mayor Patrick Johnstone. “This journal provides a comprehensive review of the work being undertaken, and signifies our commitment to truth-telling, to truth-seeking, and to reconciliation that directly responds to our municipal government’s role in colonization. I invite our entire community to join us on this path.”
Truth Before Reconciliation: Our Journey has been endorsed by City Council, and the City encourages the community to learn about its history and reconciliation journey by accessing a copy. Print copies of the journal are available at civic facilities throughout the city. Digital copies of the journal are also available on the City’s newly created A Year of Truth website, which includes a variety of learning resources, a list of local Nations and Urban Indigenous communities, and will provide a platform to continue sharing information about New Westminster’s journey toward reconciliation.
“This journal has been a labour of love and signifies a commitment by the City of New Westminster to continue to grow through the discomfort of acknowledging our true history,” said Christina Coolidge, Indigenous Relations Advisor. “It's important for the City to share their successes and challenges with the New Westminster and Indigenous communities because truth must come before reconciliation. This journal is the City's first big step into a Year of Truth.”
The community is invited to participate in a Year of Truth contest by sharing information they have learned about the Indigenous experience. Entries may be displayed on banners around the city and participants have the opportunity to win prizes. The contest runs until the end of July. Learn more at:
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Media Contact:
Melissa Nilan
Communications Coordinator
City of New Westminster
604-515-3808 |