Budget 2023
Every year, the City must adopt a five-year financial plan bylaw by May 15 as outlined by the Community Charter. The City of New Westminster has begun the process of developing the financial plan for the years 2023 to 2027, which includes the capital and operating budgets for 2023.
In developing the financial plan, the City is guided by financial sustainability principles to maintain its financial health. Community input is one of several factors that inform the development of the City’s annual budget.
Some of other factors that guide decision-making during the budget process include the mandatory series every municipality must deliver, City Council's strategic priorities, the City’s Seven Bold Steps to address the climate emergency, and the City of New Westminster’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism.
There are many opportunities throughout the budget process and during the year for the community to participate and provide input, and we encourage everyone to get involved. The public is encouraged to attend Council workshops during the budget process and there will be an opportunity to provide comments on the draft budget when it is released in February.
Budget Framework
Council Onboarding Sessions
November 2022 to January 2023
Budget Workshop with Council
Utility Budgets and Rate Setting - November 2022
Proposed Service Enhancements - January 2023
Capital 2023 Budget and 2023 to 2027 - February 2023
Draft 2023 Budget and 2023-2027 Financial Plan Released
March/April 2023
Opportunity for Comments & Council Deliberations
February 2023 and March 2023
2023-2027 Financial Plan Adopted
April 2023
Key Dates
April 17, 2023 - Financial Plan Presentation to Council and Opportunity to Be Heard (6:00 pm)
February 27, 2023 - Council Budget Workshop: Proposed Capital Budget and Funding Strategy
January 30, 2023 - Council Budget Workshop: Proposed Service Enhancement Requests and Funding Strategy
November 28, 2022 - Utility Budget and 2023 Proposed Rates
Opportunity to be heard
As part of the public consultation process, a budget information package, including the draft 2023-2027 Financial Plan, is available here for review. Members of the public are invited to review and provide written comments on the Financial Plan.
The draft Financial Plan will be presented to Council for three readings at a Special City Council meeting on April 17, 2023 at 6:00 pm.
There are multiple ways to provide your input on the plan:
- Provide your comments by email to:
- Provide written comments by dropping off at the mailbox on the north side of City Hall, attention CFO/Director of Finance, or by post: Attn: CFO/Director of Finance, City of New Westminster, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC, V3L 1H9
- Speak at the April 17 meeting in person or via zoom. To participate via zoom, click here for more information www.newwestcity.ca/council
To register to speak, starting at 8:30am on April 11, sign up at speakers.newwestcity.ca or call 604-527-4523.
*All written comments must be received by the start of the meeting at 6:00pm on Monday, April 17, 2023.
Five Year Financial Plan (2023-2027) Bylaw
Draft 2023-2027 Financial Plan
Budget 2023 - Proposed 2023 Utility Budget and Rate Increase
2023 Proposed Utility Budget & Rate Increase Workshop Presentation
Budget 2023 - Proposed Service Enhancement Requests & Funding Strategy
Budget 2023 - Proposed 2023 Capital Budget & Funding Strategy
2023 Proposed Multi-Year Capital Budget Workshop Presentation