Economic Development Key Reports

New Westminster Economic Development is currently updating it's Economic Development Plan, building upon the 2008 “Livable City Strategy” –  a roadmap for tapping economic opportunities that will enhance economic growth and attract and retain industry, commerce and investment while maintaining the ‘Royal City’s exceptional quality of life.

Key research and resources that guide the Economic Development Office's work include:

Envision 2032: The Integrated Community Sustainability Planning (ICSP) will become the City’s sustainability document that informs and guides City activities in the future, including plans, policies, projects and practices, using a sustainability lens.

Official Community Plan: This document is a statement of New Westminster’s long-term vision for the future. It describes the kind of community into which our municipality wishes to evolve. Business and job creation objectives and policies are front and centre in New Westminster’s long-term development plans.

Neighbourhood Plans: A guide to growth and development within individual neighbourhoods.

Industrial Land Strategy: In New Westminster there are 608 acres of land in 363 separate legal parcels currently zoned for industrial use. Most of this land is located along the Fraser River or near transportation infrastructure (e.g. regional roads, rail lines).

Metro Vancouver 2040: A shared commitment by Metro Vancouver and member municipalities to work together to achieve regional goals. The integration of land use and transportation strategies is a central component of the strategy and key to how the region grows and changes in the future.


  • Economic Development Office
    T 604-527-4536