Buildings 100 Years Old and Older

There are a limited number of buildings 100 years old or older in New Westminster. The City seeks to retain them wherever possible.

The City expects a high level of consideration and evaluation be given to buildings 100 years old or older prior to applying for a demolition permit. Similarly, all efforts should be made to retain buildings 100 years old or older on properties subject to a rezoning application. All such buildings are eligible for Heritage Revitalization Agreements.

If you are considering redeveloping a property with a building 100 years old or older on it, a Heritage Values Assessment written by a member of the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP) will be required, in order to determine the heritage value of the building and how the proposed changes would affect it.  A building 100 years old or older with heritage value may be asked to consider a Heritage Revitalization Agreement instead of a rezoning.

A demolition or redevelopment application for a building 100 years old or older will be reviewed by the Planning Division. It may also be reviewed by the Community Heritage Commission and Council. Council may temporarily withhold a demolition permit or Building Permit.  

Click here to access the heritage review form.

To check the age of a building, use CityViews, the interactive mapping system.