Heritage Alteration Permits

A heritage alteration permit allows and manages changes to protected heritage properties.

Proposed alterations and additions to protected heritage properties are reviewed through a permit process to determine the appropriateness of the changes in relation to the character defining elements of the building. A Heritage Alteration Permit (HAP) may be required if a building is protected by:

An HAP allows the City to respond to the changing needs of a property and its owners over time. For an HAP to be approved, the changes proposed must be consistent with the intent of the heritage protection bylaws. Standard maintenance, such as replacement of materials in-kind, does not require a permit.

There is no fee for an HAP for changes to a protected building. There are fees associated with an HAP for demolition, and for design review of new construction (including laneway or carriage houses) in the Queen’s Park Heritage Conservation Area.

Is your house in the Queen's Park neighbourhood? Click here to learn more about building or renovating in the Queen's Park Heritage Conservation Area, and for information about HAPs and which work requires them.

To see whether a property has heritage protection that would require an HAP to authorize work, view the Heritage Protection Map

Heritage Alteration Permit Application Form