Ryall Park, located at 920 Ewen Avenue, offers visitors a dynamic range of active and passive leisure pursuits for everyone.
Park amenities include tennis, volleyball, playgrounds, spray park, trails, open green space, trees, flowers, benches and picnic tables. Park map (PDF).
Boro All Wheel Park
Community Garden

The community garden is a welcoming and inclusive space that intends to promote food security, ecological sustainability and strengthen community connections. The garden features accessible raised plots, access to irrigation and shared tools for members of the garden. Wild edible plants, a seedling library, and a fruit and nut orchard are available for the enjoyment of everyone in the community. If you are interested in taking over a plot please contact the Port Royal Community Garden Society.
Ryall Park Community Garden Map (PDF)
Ryall Park offers grass soccer and softball fields. Bookings are required, click here for details.
Spray Park
See spray park hours.
Public washrooms are located in the adjacent Queensborough Community Centre.
Ryall Park, established in 1940, is 22.8 acres and has a rich history.