construction update
Construction of the Rotary Crosstown Greenway upgrades along Seventh Avenue between Eighth Street and Fifth Street is now planned to begin in mid-2024, immediately following Metro Vancouver’s water main work along Seventh Avenue as part of their Central Park Main No. 2 project. The water main replacement project will be completed prior to the greenway upgrades project to ensure that any necessary work is done before the new active transportation features are installed. By coordinating the two projects, we can minimize disruptions.
We are currently exploring interim improvements such as flexible bollards for installation this summer until the ultimate design can be implemented in 2024.
We understand the importance of this project to the community, and we are committed to ensuring the construction process is as smooth and efficient as possible. We will provide regular updates on the project’s progress, and we encourage you to stay informed by checking this page and social media channels.
For ongoing updates regarding Metro Vancouver’s project, visit their Construction Projects page.
Ultimate AAA Design for Seventh Avenue
The City of New Westminster is implementing the Rotary Crosstown Greenway Upgrades project as part of the Uptown Active Transportation Improvements. This includes two exciting projects (along with the New Westminster Secondary School Cycling Connector completed in 2023) that together will reimagine some of our streets to enable people of all ages and abilities to move comfortably and safely on foot, bicycle, and other non-motorized wheels in Uptown.
Both projects take direction from the vision set in the City of New Westminster's Council-approved Uptown Streetscape Vision, to create "a vibrant commercial district with a distinct identity, accessible and sustainable transportation, and inviting and engaging public spaces that are welcoming to all people."
These projects align with the City's Master Transportation Plan goals and 7 Bold Steps for Climate Action - specifically, Car-light Community and Quality People-Centred Public Realm.
In addition to improving the walking, rolling, and cycling experiences along the corridor, the project aims to enhance the public realm and tree canopy, seeking opportunities for green infrastructure, and reducing the impacts of motor vehicles and through traffic in this neighbourhood, while limiting the impacts to people who rely on on-street parking.
The new Rotary Crosstown Greenway design is based on community input through two rounds of public engagement. In addition to new protected bicycle lanes along Seventh Avenue between Fifth Street and Eighth Street, the project includes new landscaping and seating, as well as a new mid-block raised crosswalk between Eighth Street and Sixth Street.
Click here to view a visual summary of the ultimate design.
Click here to view the Round 1 Engagement Summary Report
Click here to view the Round 2 Engagement Summary Report
Visit the Be Heard page for this project for more information about the engagement process and results.
Interim Improvements (2017)
In 2017, the City implemented interim improvements to the Rotary Crosstown Greenway between Fifth Street and Eighth Street. The improvements were identified as part of the Council directed 2016 Engineering Services Work Plan. Staff worked with a previous Advisory Committee focused on active transportation to develop the interim design to enhance the Greenway to provide foundation for the City's first All Ages and Abilities cycling facility.
Community engagement took place in 2018 and helped provide direction for the next steps in the greenway design, which began in 2020.
The objective of the Greenway is to enhance the walking and cycling experience for people of all ages and abilities (from children to seniors) throughout the city. The Greenway builds on the increasingly cohesive cycling network that exists within the city and the region which improves connections for recreational, educational, work and commercial purposes.
For more information on the City’s cycling facilities, have a look at p.65 of our Master Transportation Plan (MTP). The MTP provides staff and the community with the direction the City is taking with regards to transportation.
For more information, please contact the project team .
For questions about construction, please contact Peter Tsoutsouras at 604-636-4340 or email .