Stay cool no matter the weather!
Enduring Extreme Heat? Visit our page of extreme heat resources and preparation information. Extreme Heat Preparedness
Drop-in activities are available in these facilities with air conditioning.
Anvil Centre
Century House
Queen's Park Sportsplex
Queensborough Community Centre
təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre
New Westminster Public LibrarySearch the Drop-in Schedule and use the location filters to find an activity suitable for you!
Public Ice Skating
Moody Park ArenaCool down on ice! Enjoy skating with your friends and family of all ages. Staff will be on site to assist with skating assistance equipment. No hockey sticks or figure skating during these skates. Skate rentals are available. A limited quantity of helmets are available at no cost.
Moody Park Arena
As part of the City’s Extreme Heat Response, staff have developed a map with information for residents indicating where to ‘cool off’ which includes locations of indoor cooling centres (opening when temperatures are ≥ 27°C) as well as drinking fountains, outdoor pools, and spray parks. The map also identifies green infrastructure such as parks and natural areas with mature trees and forested areas that create cool shade. Studies completed with the City of Vancouver found a difference of 8 degrees Celcius between neighbourhoods with higher levels of green canopy and those dominated by asphalt on a hot summer's day. In addition to creating this Stay Cool Map, staff install up to 15 temporary misting stations and bottle fillers in priority neighbourhoods.