Heritage Inventory

The Heritage Resource Inventory is an informal listing of historic New Westminster properties. The Heritage Inventory was the City’s first step to identify local heritage assets.

The initial four-part Inventory was created in the 1980s and updated in the 1990s:

In 2003, the Twelfth Street Heritage Inventory was created (note: partial document available).

In 2009 and 2010, properties in Queensborough were added:

The Inventory is also searchable through the Heritage Inventory Interactive Map.

The City expects a high level of consideration and evaluation be given to buildings listed on the Heritage Inventory prior to applying for a demolition permit. Similarly, all efforts should be made to retain Heritage Inventory buildings on properties subject to a rezoning application. All such buildings are eligible for Heritage Revitalization Agreements.
If you are considering redeveloping a property with a Heritage Inventory building on it, a Heritage Assessment written by a member of the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP) will be required in order to determine the heritage value of the building and how the proposed changes would affect it. A Heritage Inventory building with heritage value may be asked to consider a Heritage Revitalization Agreement instead of a rezoning.
A demolition or redevelopment application for a Heritage Inventory building will be reviewed by the Planning Division. It may also be reviewed by the Community Heritage Commission and Council. Council may temporarily withhold a demolition permit or Building Permit.  

A property listed on the Inventory is not legally protected. If a property is legally protected, the protection will be listed on Title, which is available through the BC Land Title and Survey Authority. The City’s online map, where you can download a public site report, will also note heritage protection. Legal protection of a property from demolition or unsympathetic alterations can be achieved through a variety of heritage planning tools. Click here to learn more.