Filming Fees

Filming fees are subject to applicable taxes.

General Filming Fees

Filming License Fee $300 (applicable to every permit)
Business License $150 / year
Multiple Location License Fee (2+ locations on the same permit) $75
Multiday Film Permit Fee $100 / additional day 
Re-Occurring Location Fee

$250 (every time location is used again)

Permit Changes During Active Filming $300
Daily Inspection Fee

$100 / day (prep, wrap and filming days)

Damage / Performance Deposit (City Property) $500 - $10,000 (dependent on scope of project)
Location Hold Fee $1000 (non-refundable)
Street Occupancy Film Fee $225 / block / day (block is defined as 200ft)
Meter Charges (in addition to street occupancy) 

$15 / meter / day

Temporary No Parking Signage $150 / block (block is defined at 200ft; not charged per day)
Lunch Tent Fee (on civic property)

 $300 / day (placement must always be discussed with Filming Coordinator)

Moving Picture Car Administration Fee $100
FX or Gun Use Administration Fee $175
Curfew Extension Fee

$250 / hour outside of curfew (curfew extensions are subject to positive polling)

Drone Use Administration Fee


Parking Infraction $200 / occurrence / day
Garbage Disposal  Set by Engineering Ops 
Municipal Services $75 / hour plus overtime 
Fire Hydrant Access $100 / hydrant / day
Fire Hydrant Use for Wet Down $250 / hydrant / day (permitted only if Metro Vancouver water restrictions are below Level III and temperature is above 1 degree Celsius)
Student Permits (Administrative Costs) Free (please contact the Film Office for more information)

Civic Facilities

Filming at City Hall (preparation and clean up) $1,500 / day 
Filming at City Hall (active interior filming) $5,000 / day (ex. Council Chambers)
Parking at City Hall and other Civic Facilities $750 - $1000 / day 
Irving House $1,000 / day
Anvil Centre By quote
Other Civic Facilities By quote
Civic Facility Exteriors $500 / day (e.g. Queen’s Park Arena)
Damage Deductions (2x employee(s) collective agreement rate) Variable 
Onset City Staff Liaison (2x employee(s) collective agreement rate) Variable (depends on location and scope)
Prep & Wrap Days

By Quote or 50% of Location Fee (Civic Facilities including parks)

Police Services

Deposit to cover estimated Policing

$130.00 / hour / officer (4 hour minimum)

(# of officers x # of hours x 1.5 x $110.00)
Use of Police Vehicle as a prop (by request, pending availability) $127 / day

Fire Services

Equipment & Staff By quote
Fire Inspector (FX, safety plan & consulting) $100 / hour 
Performance Deposit (minimum) $1,000 
Fire Administration 10% of Fire Fees

Fraser Cemetery

Prep & Wrap Days $1,000 / day 
Filming Days $2,000 / day 
Cemetery Staff Deposit (4 hour minimum)

$75 / hour regular time $100 / hour for overtime per staff member

Grave Side Props $300 / day 
Cemetery Facility Interior Use

$500 (admin office)

Cemetery Equipment Use

By quote

Administration and Tax

  • 20% on all charges (except Fire fees)
  • GST 5% on all charges